The Chemistry graduate group is participating in a new Grad Studies pilot program to improve graduate student mentoring and guidance. As part of this new initiative, we formed a mentoring steering committee made up of faculty and students to promote new mentoring activities and ensure engagement by students and faculty. One activity the committee worked on this past quarter is creating a GradMap (see below, PDF linked here) to help students navigate through their graduate school PhD journey. This GradMap is a concise one-page reference chart to outline program requirements and guidance for students in each year in the program. This map divides requirements, “directions”, and guidelines into five sections; 1) Achieve your academic goals, 2) Maximize Research Impact, 3) Build Skills and Experiences, 4.) Engage with your community, and 5.) Launch your career. The GradMap also contains hyperlinks that students can click on for additional information. More information on this initiative here.